My ‘Job’

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My job. I know what it involves. I turn up, maybe clock on (or the union or HR has done away with that).

I turn the handle at the workbench, shopfloor or whatever and go home at the end of the shift.

I sit with my colleagues at lunch or breaktime.

I used to complain about the ‘job’ and point out some of the waste, but nobody listened to me. Well that is how it felt. At the very least I never saw anything change. It seemed like madness, I could have saved them a lot of money. Why didn’t they listen?

Now I don’t bother. I tell the apprentices not to bother either.

‘It won’t get you anywhere, they won’t listen.’


Then I was asked if I would like to be involved in a Culture Change Programme….. I nearly fell out of my chair laughing.

It isn’t me that needs to change it is THEM, the management.

Stop chasing silly targets and listen!


And do you know what, they did!


And now….. my ideas are acted on, and if not at least somebody explains why.

I love my job again, I am helping the company do it better, faster, more effectively. And I feel engaged.

Why – because I believe!



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